Adventures of a soon-to-be wife...

Join me as I try to figure out how to become a great wife and plan my wedding!

Friday, July 6, 2007

First ever post!

OK so I've been noticing that this blog thing is pretty popular and I finally decided to suck it up and start one of my own. I always felt like I wouldn't have too much to write about, but since I'm getting married in a little under a year, I figured the material would be endless. I have to admit, I haven't really written in this type of forum for a long time. I haven't kept a diary for at least a year (which is really strange for me) and I left my livejournal when I graduated from college. But the wedding planning process and the transition from being single to being a wife is pretty big for me. So I guess it's time to present to you my blog:

My life as a soon-to-be wife!!

For those of you that know me, you know I am far from really embracing typical "wife-like" duties. We all know Anthony is amazing at cleaning and cooking but I'm really trying to make an effort to do more of these things. I hope you enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

sheppycakes said...

OK this blog is totally cool! I think I'll read it everyday! Keep up the great writing and cooking!! Remember, its never good to have the windows nailed shut when you are learning to cook!! Foshizzle!!!