Adventures of a soon-to-be wife...

Join me as I try to figure out how to become a great wife and plan my wedding!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

oh Pita Pit....

When I was at Syracuse there was this little amazing place called "The Pita Pit" which conveniently was 1 street over from campus in the middle of about 6 bars.

It was also open until at least 3am and they would deliver to your dorm. It was THE ABSOLUTE BEST. Now, since I have graduated 3 years ago - I have been going through severe... SEVERE withdrawl. I miss my plain pita with shredded lettuce, grilled chicken and ranch dressing. I miss the smell, the tatste and the happiness that Pita Pit brought me with every bite.

Well - last night, thanks to the greatest fiance ever, I was reunited with my food love.

No - he did not drive me to Syracuse.... he brought me to a new location - in Boston.

And I was able to savor the amazing flavor of my special chicken, lettuce and ranch:

If all of the other AMAZING things that my fiance does for me wouldn't make me thrilled to spend forever with him......... this trip sealed the deal.

Babe, I love you.

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