Adventures of a soon-to-be wife...

Join me as I try to figure out how to become a great wife and plan my wedding!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Love is Sweet

Tonight while driving around, Anthony decided he wanted to make a fruit salad.

I have never made a fruit salad before.

yes. I am serious.

So if you don't know Anthony then you do not know that he works at Shaw's Supermarkets... and not only is he a manager but he is the PRODUCE manager. Yes, the ruler of fruit (and veggies, and weird dips). Anyway, he claims while picking out a "perfect" pineapple that he is the best fruit cutter in his department and that he would show me how to make a great fruit salad. So we got home and got to work - I think it turned out pretty nice.

NOTE: he just HAD to buy a new tupperware container for the salad and I warned him it wouldn't be big enough - needless to say it barely fit. I may not know how to cook or make fruit salad - but I totally excel at spacial situations.

Anthony said you grab the pineapple by the top and rip it off... then you slice it!

Next we did the melons - and um... well.... yea

Anyways I think that I took quite the initiative when I volunteered (on my own!) to cut the strawberries... and even though I managed to get the top of one still in the salad (that Anthony pointed out to me while he was watching me like a hawk)... I think that I could quite possibly be the BEST strawberry cutter ever.... alive.

And finally - our salad... and a fun pic to end the post with!

1 comment:

Cara said...

hey lindsey, your fruit salad looks delicious!