Adventures of a soon-to-be wife...

Join me as I try to figure out how to become a great wife and plan my wedding!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I just had to come on and do a little post on the afternoon of the first world series game.... GO SOX!!! I can't wait for tonight and the rest of the games!

And a special WOO HOO goes to Beckett - lets hope he's on fire tonight like always!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Yay Fall

I love the summer. It's always been my favorite season and it will most likely forever hold that title. However, lately fall has been "growing on me" (in the words of my friend Kelly). It's not the cold weather or leaves either... as I HATE being cold and leaves get stuck everywhere. It's the apple picking, pies and halloween. Anthony and I recently went apple picking this Saturday and tonight I made the first pie of the season. So now that I have my yummy treat.... bring on the cold... my uggs are patiently waiting :)